The Staffa Corner

The Staffa Corner Podcast, Ep. 25 – Has Singer Darci Monet Finally Found Peace After Napoleon Dynamite?

Greg Staffa / Darci Monet Season 2 Episode 25

Imagine being the voice behind a memorable song in a film only to have your contribution go unrecognized.

This is the nightmare Darci Monet faced while watching the indie film “Napoleon Dynamite,” A cult classic known for its unique characters and memorable soundtrack. Her version of “The Rose” plays during the Happy Hands Club scene. Her anticipation builds as the credits roll, but her name is nowhere to be found.

Darci is now reclaiming her voice. As the film celebrates its 20th anniversary, she’s speaking out about the oversight, which remains unfixed, and releasing the full version of the song. It’s a powerful reminder that sometimes persistence and standing up for what’s right can lead to long-overdue recognition, offering hope in the face of injustice.

You can check out Darci and hear the full version of The Rose by checking out her website

Permission for the song clip for "The Rose" given by Darci Monet and Sharp Associates

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